Are you tired of the laborious work that goes into your front or backyard? Lawn care is tedious. It can take hours each week to simply maintain. However, with Southeast Turf, our residential lawn products significantly reduce any required lawn care! We can help homeowners free up their time and save money with our artificial turf lawn products:
- Mowing and weeding are some of the larger tasks when it comes to lawns with natural grass. If not regularly taken care of, the grass might overgrow, dry out, and lose its overall beauty and health. Homeowners want to feel proud of their property. Freshly mowed grass is a significant part of a home’s presentation. With us though, you get to say goodbye to lawn mowers! Put the mower away and maintain a beautiful, lush lawn all year with our artificial turf.
- Tired of watering your lawn with a hose or sprinkler? That can stop too! Unlike natural grass, artificial turf does not require frequent watering. Rather, homeowners can conserve water while simultaneously saving on water bills.
- Healthy soil and maintenance is an ongoing issue with natural grass. More often than not, this requires top-dressing. This is a lengthy process. Top-dressing adds another layer of soil to a lawn to ensure the grass grows healthier. This is meant to help with issues including spotting, unevenness, lack of nutrients, etc. Maintaining healthy soil is a task all of its own. With our artificial turf products, that is no longer a concern.
- Along the lines of top-dressing is fertilizing. Especially during the spring and summer months, regular fertilization is necessary with natural grass. Warmer seasons require more nutrients in soil to ensure the growth of the vegetation. This means weekly application of fertilizer that does not need to be done with Southeast Turf products.
- While the weed eater is a strong tool for catching stray weeds, it does not do all the work. This is where pulling weeds comes in. Natural lawns are bound to grow these nuisances. Not only are they unattractive, but they affect the overall growth and health of the lawn. This forces the homeowner to grab the gloves and get to work. Pulling weeds is a tiresome task that gets more difficult with age. It is also a task that can be avoided with synthetic grass.
If the above chores sound daunting and wearisome, we can help. At Southeast Turf, we understand residents want a lawn that they can simply enjoy. Nobody wants to spend hours maintaining a yard that asks so much of them. Lawn care should not be something that takes the time and money of a homeowner. It should be a part of the home where one can relax and enjoy a breath of fresh air.
Say goodbye to lawn care and contact us today! Our artificial turf is the answer you have been waiting for. Part ways with the lawn mower, conserve water, ditch the soil, and leave the weed pulling to someone else. Start your journey to a peaceful front or backyard today by calling 704-997-8006.